Tuesday, April 10, 2012

It's April, so it's National Poetry Month.  Awesome.  Artpost in South Bend is having another poetry marathon this weekend, Friday April 13 starting at 5pm and ending Saturday, April 14 at 5pm.  

Readers can sign up for a 15 minute time slot.  Come and listen, have some refreshments provided by Fiddler's Hearth, and get your voice out there.

Get the schedule of times here, at Artpost's website.

She Passed Fulton Street

Don't gravitate away, he says.
Smooth it over with your
sweet talk, your savvy
harmonica skills.

Actually, what works best
is a word, a thought--
any indication that
what we have here is more
than a thistle

Then a saxophone wails
like a cavity entering a tooth:
slowly at first, then echoing,
empty as a cave.